25828 items
The chonological Bud Freeman 1928-1938

Titres :
Craze-O-Logy / Can't help lovin dat man / What is there to say ? / The buzzard / Tillie's downtown now / Keep smilin' at trouble / You took advantage of me / Three's no crowd / I got rythm / Keep smilin' at trouble / At sundown / My honey's lovin' arms / I don't believe it / Tappin' the commodore till / Memories of you / Life spears a jitterburg / What's the use? / Private jives / Three little words / Swingin' without mezz / The blue room / Exactly like you

Line-up :
Johnny Mendel, Bunny Berigan (tp) Floyd O'Brien (tb) Bud Jacobson, Pee Wee Russell (cl) Bud Freeman (cl, ts) Norman Foster (bj) Dave North, Claude Thornhill, Jess Stacy (pn) John Mueller, Grachan Monchur, Artie Shapiro (b) Gene Krupa, Cozy Cole, George Wettling, Dave Tough, Marty Marsala (dms) Joe Bushkin (tp, pn)

Classics, 1928