25828 items
Soul Street

Titres :
Soul Street/ I Love You/ Sonny Boy/ Soft Summer Breeze/ Experment in Terror/ Just A-Sittin' and A-Rockin'/ That 'S All/ I Wanna Blow, Blow, Blow

Line-up :
Jimmy Forrest (ts) Pepper Adams (bs) Ray Barretto (conga) Ray Briant (pn) King Curtis (ts) Richard Davis (cb) Georges Duvivier (cb) Art Farmer (tp) Roy Haynes (dms) Osie Johnson (dms) Mundell Lowe (gt) Oliver Nelson (ts) Calvin Newborn (gt) Tommy Potter(cb) Jerome Richardson (as,fl) Ernie Royal (tp) Ed Shaughnessy (dms) Idrees Sulieman (tp) and others

New Jazz, 1958