25828 items
Duke Ellington at Carnegie Hall

Titres :
The eighth veil / Golden feather / Flippant flurry / Golden cress / The unbooted caharacter / Leonard feather's v-disc introduction to Deep South suite and golden cress Sultry sunset / Deep south suite : Magnolias dripping with molasses / Hearsay or orson walles / Nobody was looking / Happy-go-lucky local

Line-up :
Taft Jordan, Shelton Hemphill, Francis Williams, Shorty Baker, Ray Nance (tp) Lawrence Brown, Claude Jones, Wilbur DeParis (tb) Jimmy Hamilton (cl,ts) Johnny Hodges (as) Russell Procope (as,cl) Al Sears (ts) Harry Carney (bs,cl,bcl) Duke Ellington (pn) Oscar Pettiford (cb) Sonny Greer (dms)

Queen Disc, 1946