25828 items
Duke Ellington & Django Reinhardt

Titres :
Ouverture to a jam session / Ring dem bells / Jumin' punkins / Memphis blues / Beale street bllues & St Louis blues / The eight veil Unbooted character / Sultry sunset / Air conditioned jungle / Red ride red / Blues / Improvisation n°2 / Honeysuckle rose Golden cress deep south suite / Magnolia's drippin' with molasses / Hearsay or orson wells / Nobody was lookin' / Happy-go-lucky local Things ain't what they used to be Beautiful indians / Chaugogagog maushaugagog / Minnehaha / Hiawatha

Line-up :
Taft Jordan, Cat Anderson, Francis Williams, Harold Baker, Shelton Hemphil, Ray Nance (tp) Lawrence Brown, Claude Jones, Wilbur de Paris (tb) Jimmy Hamilton, Johnny Hodges, Russell Procope, Al Sears, Harry Carney (sax) Duke Ellington (pn) Oscar Pettiford (cb) Sonny Greer (dms) Django Reinhardt (gt)

Prima, 1946