25828 items
Duke 56/62 vol.1 (2 LP)

Titres :
Black and tan fantasy/ A-flat minor/ Suburban beauty/ Cafe au lait/ West indian dance/ Cop out/ Allah-bye Piano improvisations Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4/ Commercial time/ Mood indigo Mood indigo/ Willow weep for me/ Where or when/ All the things you are/ All the things you are/ Night and day/ Slamar in D flat Track 360/Jones/ Lullaby of Birdland/ Feet bone/ Red carpet (part 3)/ Satin doll/ When i trilly with my filly/ Anatomy of a murder

Line-up :
Duke Ellington (pn) Willie Cook, Cat Anderson, Clark Terry, Ray Nance, Shorty Baker, Clark Terry, Francis Williams, Taft Jordan, Gerald Wilson (tp) Britt Woodman, Quentin Jackson, John Sanders (tb) Johnny Hodges, Russell Procope, Jimmy Hamilton, Paul Gonsalves, Harry Carney, Rick Henderson, Bill Graham (sax) Jimmy Woode, Oscar Pettiford (cb) Sam Woodyard, Jimmy Johnson (dms)

CBS, 1956