25828 items
Steady with Teddy (1946-1948)

Titres :
Up in dodo's room/ Dialated pupils/ Midnight at Minton's/High wind in Hollywood/ Steady with Teddy/ Bird legs/ Roy's Boy/ Rexology/ Out of nowhere/ Three bass hit/ R.B. Wig/ Body and soul/ Hornin' in/ The duel/ Blues in Teddy's flat/ Teddy's tune/ Wonderful work/ Fairy dance/ It's the talk of the town

Line-up :
Teddy Edwards (ts) + coll Howard Mc Ghee, Benny Bailey (tp) Herbie Harper (tb) Dexter Gordon (ts) Dodo Marmarosa, Duke Brooks, Jimmy Rowles, Hampton Hawes (pn) Arv Garrison (gt) Bob Kesterson, Addison farmer, Red Callender, Ivy Shevack (cb) Roy Porter (dmsà)

Cool and Blue, 1946