25828 items
The chronological Tommy Dorsey 1935 1936

Titres :
The music goes 'round and around / Rhythm in my nursery rhymes / Lovely Lady / Weary / I'm shooting high / I picked a flower the color of your eyes / Please believe Me / Let it be Me / One night in Monte-Carlo / The day I let You get away / Love will live on / Then I shan't love You anymore / Gotta go to work again / A little rendezvous in Honolulu / That lovely night in Bidapest / Every minute of the hour /You / Robins and Roses / You never looked so beautiful / You started Me dreaming / It's Y

Line-up :
Sterling Bose,Andy Ferretti,Joe Bauer, Sam Skolnick,Max Kaminsky (tp) Tommy Dorsey,Ben Pickering, Joe Ortolano, Walter Mercurio, (tb) Sid Stoneburn,Johnny Van Eps,Noni Bernardi,Clyde Rounds,Sid Block,Tom Mace,Joe Dixon,Fred Stulce,(anches) Dick Jones,(pn) William Schaffer,(gt) Gene Traxler,(cb) Sam Weiss,Dave Tough (dms) Edythe Wright, Buddy Gately,jack Leonard (voc)

Classics, 1935