25828 items
Jimmy & Tommy Dorsey & California ramblers (2lp)

Titres :
A garden in Sweden/ Keep smiling at trouble/ Oh! Mabel/ I ain't got nobody/ Cheating on me Charleston/ Ev'rything is hotsy totsy now/ The flapper wife/ When the moon shines on coral gables/ Collegiate Manhattan/ Sweet man/ Clap hands, here comes Charlie/ Five foot two, eyes of blue/ What a man Up and at'em/ Stockholm stomp/ Hallelujah/ Miss Annabelle Lee/ When erastus plays his old kazoo.

Line-up :
Tommy Dorsey, Lloyd Olsen, Spiegle Wilcox, Herb Winfield, Abe Lincoln, Ivan Johnston, Edward Lapp, Chuck Campbell (tb) Red Nichols, Frank Cush, Bill Moore, Roy Johnston, Chelsea Quealey, Sylvester Ahola, Billy Keyes (tp) Jimmy Dorsey, Arnold Brilhart, Freddy Cusick, Bobby Davis, Fud Livingstone, Eddie Stannard, Bunnie Drown, Sam Ruby, Pete Pumiglio, Bob Fallon (reeds) Adrian Rollini (sax,pn) Irving Brodsky, Jack Russin, Ted Black (pn) Tommy Felline (bjo) Allen (tu) Stan King, Herb Weil, Jimmy Wi

Monkey, 1924