25828 items
Vol 3 : 1944 - 1945

Titres :
Trolley song / I walk alone / Is You or is You ain't my Baby / It had to be you / take the A train / Don't get around much anymore / Liberation Blues / Liberation Boogie / It could happen to you / Come out, come out wherever / Mister five by five / Don!t You know I care / I remember April / Together / Stormy wether / Can't help lovin' that man of mine / Cossak Patrol / My dreams are getting better / I should care / The Gipsy / Life is nothing without music / I'm beginning to see the light / I

Line-up :
Gus Deloof (tp,cnt,voc) Harry Turf (as,vln,voc ) Rudy Bruder (pn) Leon Demol (gt) Roger Desimpel (b) John Kluger (dms) Georges Elrick, Dorothy Carless (voc)

Copie 78t AK, 1944