25828 items
The Chronological Eddie Condon 1942 1943

Titres :
Don't leave Me Daddy / Fidgety Feet / Mammy O'Mine / Lonesome Tag Blues / Tortilla B Flat / More id. / Squeeze Me / That's a plenty / Nobody knows You when You're down and out / Rose Room / Basin Street Blues / Oh, Katharina! / Pray for the lights to go out / Tell'em about Me / Mandy make up your mind / Singin' the Blues /Back in your own Backyard / Of all the wrongs you've done to Me / You can't cheat a cheater / Save your sorrow

Line-up :
Max Kaminsky, Yank Lawson (tp) Brad Gowans, Benny Morton, Lou McGarity (tb) Pee Wee Russell (cl) Joe Sullivan, James P Johnson, Joe Bushkin, Gene Shroeder (pn) Eddie Condon, (gt, bjo) Al Morgan, Bob Haggart, Bob Casey (cb) George Wettling, Tony Spargo, Sid Catlett (dms)

Classics, 1942