25828 items
The Chronological Eddie Condon 1938-1940

Titres :
Diane / Serenade to a Shylock / Sunday /California, here I come / There'll be some changes made / Nobody's Sweetheart / Friar's Point Shuffle / Someday, Sweetheart / None of my Jelly-Roll /Strut,Miss Lizzle / It's all right here for You / Ballin the Jack / A good Man is hard to find (1) /id. (4) / id. (2) / id. (3) / Georgia Grind / Oh Sister! Ain't that Hot / Dancing Fool / Pretty Doll

Line-up :
Bobby Hackett, Muggsy Spanier (cn) Max Kaminsky, Marty Marsala (tp) Jack Teagarden, Vernon Brown, Brad Gowans, Miff Mole, George Brunies (tb) Pee Wee Russel (cl) Bud Freeman (ts) Jess Stacy, Joe Bushkin, Joe Sullivan, Fats Waller (pn) Eddie Condon (gt) Artie Shapiro, Clyde Newcombe (cb) George Wettling, Lionel Hampton, Dave Tough (dms)

Classics, 1938