Teasin' the piano/ Love/ Swinging through styles / Honeysuckle rose/ Loiver come back rto me/ Between the devil and the deep blue sea/ Swingin at the Jamboreee/ at the woodchopper's ball/ indian love call/ I hear a rhapsody/ swedish serenade/ Christopher columbus/ Yes my darling daughter/ Vous et moi/ Verlaine/ Tipitin/ Stardust/ Trukin/ Love
Line-up :
Coco Colignon (pn) + Camille Cam Marchand (cb) Armand Dralandts (dms) Billy West (tp, vln) Fud Candrix Orchestra Gus Deloof (tp) Bobby Naret (as) Gene Kempf (cb) Jef de Boeck (dms)Jack Lowens qiuartet (Art Peeters, Jos Aerts) etc
MJ AK , 1938