25828 items
The chronological Kenny Clarke 1946 1948

Titres :
Epistrophy / 52nd Street Theme / Oop Bop Sh-Bam / Rue Chaptal / Confirmation / A la Colette / Jumpin' there / Jay Mac / Lover Man / The small Bag / I'm sorry / Hard to get / Ralph goes / I've got Be-Bop / All the things you are / Algerian cynicism / Laurenzology / Doria / I'll tell you in any minute / Working eyes / Stuffy / The man I love / I surrender,Dear

Line-up :
Fats Navaro,Kenny Dorham,Benny Bailey,Dick Collins,Claude Dunson (tp) Sonny Stitt,Ray Abramson,Eddie De Verteuil,Joe Brown,Cecil Payne,Michel Devillers,J.Cl. Forenbach,Hubert Fol, Dave Kriedt, Andre Hodeir, (saxes) Claude Laurence (vln) Harry Montaggioni ,John Collins (gt) Bud Powell,Ralph Shecrounp, Andre Persiany, Jack Denjean,(pn) Al Hall,Al Mc.Kibbon,Georges Hadjo, Alf Masselier, (b) Kenny Clarke(dms)

Classics, 1946