25828 items
Big and Small/ French toast

Titres :
Nice Joke / Aura / Saxologie / New Day / Les Copeos / Badinage / Concertino / Fiction / Nice Joke /Fiction / Quartet Mind / Saxologie / Little Story / Halbe fune / Christmas song / Two cats and a piece of lung

Line-up :
Fred Gerard,Christian Bellest,Roger Guerin,Lucien Juanico,Bill Jackson,Guy Lognon (tp) Nat Peck,Charles Verstraete,Andre Paquinet,Gaby Villain,Benny Vasseur (tb) Dave Amram (cor)Jean Aldegon,Bobby Jaspar,JL.Chautemps,Armand Migiani,William Boucaya,Teddy Hameline,Andre Dabonneville,Armand Conrad,Low Reed,Guy Lafitte (saxes) Christian Chevalier,Andre Persiani (pn) Pierre Michelot,Benoit Quersin,Buddy Banks (cb) Christian Garros,Jacques David,Teddy Martin (dms) Sadi (vibes,bgos)

Copie Jazz Stars. Angel, 1954