25828 items
The chronological Benny Carter 1936

Titres :
Scandal in a flat / Accent on swing / You understand / Gin and jive / If I could only read your mind / I gotta go / When lights are low / Waltzing the blues / Tiger Rag / Blues interlude / Bugle call Rag / Memphis Blues / When lights are low / Some of these days / gloaming / Poor Buterfly / Drop in next time you're passing / The man I love / That's how the fisrt song was born / There'll be some changes made / Jingle Bells / Royal garden Blues /Carry Me back to old Virginia

Line-up :
Benny Carter (cl,as,ts,) Max Goldberg,Tommy McQuater, Leslie Thompson, Axel Skouby, Olaf Carlson, Kurt Pederson, Thore Ehrling,(tp) Leslie Thompson, Lew Davis, Ted Heath, Peter Rasmussen, Palmer Traulsen, Uno Gorling,(tb) Freddy Gardner, Andy Mc David, Buddy Featherstonhaugh, Aage Voss, Knut Knutson, Anker Skjoldborg, Henry Hageman-Lazrsen, Charles Redland, Olle Thalen, Zilas Gorling (saxes) Billy Munn, Gene Rodgers, Christian Jensen, Stig Holm, Gerry Moore (pn) Albert Harris, Bernard Addison, U

Classics, 1936