25828 items
The chronological Una Mae Carlisle 1941 1944

Titres :
Can't help lovin that man/ It ain't like that/ Anything/ City called heaven/ I'm the one who loves you/ My wish/ Coffee and cakes/ Moonlight masquerade/ Don't tetch it/ So long, Shorty/ I'm tryin'/ Sweettalk/ 'tain't yours/ Without you baby/ I'm a goog, good woman/ Ain't nothin much/ I like it, cuase I love it/ You gota take your time/ He's the best little ynkee to me/ I speak so much about you/ Teasin' me/ You and your heart of stone/ YOu're gona change your moind/ I've got a crying need for yo

Line-up :
Una Mae Carlisle (pn, voc) Charlie Shavers, Ray Nance, Billy Butterfield (tp) Vernon Brown (tb) Buster Bailey, Russell Procope, Budd Johnson, Bill Stagmeyer (sax, cl) Billy Kyle (pn) Eugene Snack Allen (gt) John Kirby, Basic Robinson, Bob Haggart (cb) O' Neil Spencer, Specs Powell, George Wettling (dms)

Classics, 1941