25828 items
Complete vol 1

Titres :
Cross Country / Nagasaki / Cotton Picker’s Congregation / Love is in the air/ 52nd Street / Lullaby to a lamp post / Midnite in Harlem/ Swing Serenade /After all these years/ Corinne, Corinna/ The donkey serenade/ You’ve got to take your pick…/ Time signal / The snake charmer/ The folks who live on the hill/ O sole mio / Always/ So many memories/ Something to sing about / Vilja Lied/ Ti Pi-Tin/ Teasing the piano/ Love/ Tabu / Ragging the scale / Washington squable/ Sugarfoot stomp/ Smiling along

Line-up :
Fud Candrix (ts, vln, lead) Georges Clais, Roger Doneux (tp) Nick Frerar (tb) Bobby Naret, Jo Magis (sax, cl) Coco Colignon (pn) Reginald Denys or Gaston Backaert (gt) Cam Marchand (cb) Armand Dralandts (dms) Wally Sluyzer or Tony Young (voc)

MJ AK , 1937