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The chronological Cab Calloway 1940

Titres :
Paradiddle/ Boog it/ Calling all bars/ Do I care ? Non, no/ The lone arranger/ Feelin' tip top/ Topsy turvy/ Hi de ho serenade/ Who's Yehoodi/ Fifteen minute intermission/ Rhapsody in rhumba/ Come on with the come on/ A ghost of chance/ Bye bye blues/ Papa's in bed with his britches on/ Silly old moon/ Boo wah boo wah/ Sunset/ Yo eta cansa/ Cupid's nightmare/ Leveelubbaly/ Are you hep to the jive

Line-up :
Cab Calloway (lead, voc) + coll. Lammar Wright, Mario Bauza, Dizzy Gillespie (tp) Keg Johnson, Tyree Glenn, Quentin jackson (tb) Chu Berry, Jerry Blake, Andrew Brown, Walter Thomas, Hilton Jeferson (sax, cl) Bennie Payne (pn) Danny Barker (gt) Milt Hinton (cb) Leroy Maxey, Cozy Cole (dms) Edgar Battle, Andy Gibson, Benny Carter, Buster Harding (arr)

Classics, 1940