25828 items
Compilation 1937 a 1945

Titres :
Doctor Jazz / Blue Lou / One day / Liselotte / Flamingo / Decca Blues / Boogie woogie / Arc en ciel / Badinage / Someday sweetheart / Stardust / Funf uhr tee / Gute reise /Riffin at the arena / blues en SiB /Liberation Blues / Take the A train / Mister five by five / Gershwin medley 1 / idem 2 / Beat me baby eight to the bar / Rudy boogie

Line-up :
Rudy Bruder (pn)+divers musiciens belges feat Louis Dehaes (tp) Harry Turff (cl) Jack Lowens (ts) etc Jean Robert Hot Trio t

du J , 1937