25828 items
The chronological Pete Brown 1942 1945

Titres :
Cannonball/Jim's idea/ Pete's idea/ Ooh-wee/ Bellevue for you/ Pete Brown's boogie/ Moppin' the blues/ it all depends on you/ That's my weakness/ IIt's the talk of the town/ I may be wrong/ Boot Zoot/ It's great/ Lazy day/ Sunshine blues/ Fat man boogie/ Midnite blues/ Tha's it/ Just plain shuffle/ Pushin' the mop/ Back talk boogie

Line-up :
Pete Brown (as) + Coll. Dizzy Gillespie, Ed Lewis (tp) Jimmy Hamilton (cl) Sam Price, Kenny Watts, Kenny Kersey, Ray Parker (pn) Jim daddy Walker, Al Casey, Herman Mitchell, Bill Moore (gt) Charlie Drayton, John Levy, Milt Hinton, Al Hall, Al Matthews (cb) Ray Nathan, Eddie Nicholson, J.C. Heard (dms) Nora Lee King (voc)

Classics, 1942