25828 items
Invisible Mother

Titres :
Genese/ The Lake, the light and the mountain/ Inner fire/ Birth of Ganga Constellation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6/ Invisible mother / The joy of Siva The calls / Stone of wisdom/ After accomplishment/ School of mysteries The wind/ Ascension/ Praying after meditation

Line-up :
Fabrizio Cassol (as) Michel Hatzigeorgiou (eb) Stephane Galland (dms) Fabian Fiorini (pn, celesta) + Ictus : George-Elie Octors (cond) Takashi Yamane (cl) Piet van Bockstael (oboe, cor) George Van Dam, Igor Semenoff (vln) Paul de Clerck (viola) Gery Cambier (cb) Jean-Luc Plouvier (pn, celesta)

Carbon 7, 1999