25828 items

Titres :
Ghandji (the unseizable water)/ Sa' N'Diaye - Too long the river deep/ Samayaï Kaï/ Story telling's on/ Elohim on the water - For days on end/ The river new/ The river blue

Line-up :
Fabrizio Cassol (as) Michel Hatzigeorgiou (eb) Stephane Galland (dms) Umayalpuram K/ Sivaraman (mridangam) Chander Sardjoe (dms) Pierre Van Dormael, Marc Ducret (gt) guest David Linx (voc) Guillaume Orti (as) Bo Van der Werf (bs) Geoffroy de Masure (tb) Kris Defoort (keyb) Benoît Delbecq (keyb) Eric Legnini (pn, keyb) + sampling Aka, Doudou N'Diaye Rose etc

Carbon 7, 1997