25828 items
WILLEBRANDTS, Dick (& Zijn Radio-Orkest)

Titres :
I want to be happy / I'll never smile again / Blue moon / Jumping at the Savoy / I've got my fingers crossed / Jersey bounce / Lover, come back to me / I'm still crazy for you / I wished on the moon / Ding dong it's love / She's funny that way / Take another guess / Wooden sticks / Sunday, monday or always / The lady from St paul / That's sabotage / Peckin' / Yearning / Stop beatin' round the mulberry bush / Reverie / Strange enchantment / The touch of your lips / You're breaking my heart / Swee

Line-up :
Kees van Dorsser, Jan van Hest, Frans bander Meer, Cor van Lier, Louis de Haes (tp) Pi Scheffer, Francis Bay, Jan Koulman, Ijsbrand van der Ven (tb) Cees Verschoor (cl) Tinus Bruijn (as) Kees Bruikn (ts) Ben Lisboan (ts) Dick Willebrandts (pn, dir) Wim Sanders (gt)Wim Kroon (b) Aldert Dekker (dms) Nelly Verschuur, Jan de Vries (voc)

Doctor Jazz, 12