25828 items
10 Years
WEST MUSIC CLUB (Benny Courroyer)

Titres :
Bugle call rag/ I'm singing in the rain/ Tea for two/ Come back to me/ Jazzy pop/ String of pearls/ Original dixieland/ Fly me to the moon/ Harlem nocturne/ Sunny/ Tuxedo junction/ Alexander's ragtime band

Line-up :
Benny Courroyer (cond) L. Verrekt, Jacques Demettre, Jean-Luc Donnez, Willy Fauveaux, A. Wauters, M. Robiez (tp) A. Defroyenne, A. et J. Vancoppenolle,Jean-Pierre Pottiez, B. Claes, D. Moulaert, J-P Danhier (tb) José Plum, G. Delattre, H. Laguesse, Denis Cardon, Raymond Thomas, Marcel Verbutsel (sax) J-P Van strijkdonk, J-C Dherte, C. Detournay, L. Philippe, J. Dewolf, S. Mourin (rhythms) Lou Bastin (vbes) Urban Stengvist (tu)

SPM, 1977