25828 items
Sonny Stitt / Bud Powell / J.J. Johnson
STITT, Sonny

Titres :
1. All god's chillun got rhythm/ Sonny side/ Bud's blues/ Sunset/ Fine and dandy/ Alt/ Strike up the band/ I want to be happy/ Taking a chance on love 2. Afternoon in Paris/ Alt/ Elora/ Alt/ Teapot/ Alt/ Blue Mode/ Alt

Line-up :
1. Sonny Stitt (ts) Bud Powell (pn) Curley Russell (cb) Max Roach (dms) 2. J.J. Johnson (tb) Sonny Stitt (ts) John Lewis (pn) Nelson Boyd (cb) Max Roach (dms)

O.J.C. (Prestige), 1949