25828 items
SIMS, Zoot

Titres :
1. Night and day (3t)/ Slinging' hash (2t)/ Tenorly (3 t) / Zoot and Zoot/ I understand (2t) Don' worry about me 2. Crystal/ Toot's suite/ The late Tiny Kahn/ Call it anything/ Zoot's suite/ Once in a while/ Great drums

Line-up :
1. Zoot Sims (ts) Gerry Wiggins (pn) Pierre Michelot (cb) Kenny Clarke (dms) 2. Frank Rosolino (tb) Zoot Sims (ts) Henri Renaud (pn) Jimmy Gourley (gt) Don Bagley (cb) Jean-Louis Viale (dms)

Vogue (American Jazzmen in Paris), 1950