25828 items
The Chronological Count Basie 1943 1945
BASIE, Count

Titres :
Dance of the Gremlins/ G.I. Stomp/ Yeah man/ Rhythm man/ Kansas city stride/ Beaver junction/ Circus in rhythm/ Aunt Hagart's country home/ Gee, baby, ain't I good to you/ Basie strides again/ Harvard blues/ Taps Miller/ Jimmy's blues/ I didn't know about you/ Red bank boogie/ Taps Miller/ JImmy's blues/ Take me back baby/ Playhouse n°2 Stomp/ Old manuscrip/ On the upbeat

Line-up :
Count Basie (pn, lead) + coll. Buck Clayton, Ed Lewis, Harry Edison, Snooky Young, Joe Newman, Al Steams (tp) Dickie Wells, Robert Scott, Eli Robinson, Louis Taylor, Ted Donnelly (tb) Jack Washington, Rudy Rutherford, Jimmy Powell, Buddy Tate, Lester Young, Earl Warren, Caughey Roberts, Lucky Thompson (sax) Freddie Green (gt) Walter Page, Rodney Richardson (cb) Jo Jones, Shadow Wilson, Joe Marshall (dms) Thelma Carpenter, Jimmy Rushing (voc)

Classics, 1943