Dedication/ Down on the bayou/ They took my money/ Music from the land of dreams/ Going up the river/ Baby o'mine/ Waiting for a train/Corrinne accross the sea/ Beg steal or barrow/ Whose blues/ Batterseea raindance/ Nobody knows you when you're down and out/ Black widow/ New-York Town/ Big bass drum/ Skippin' and jumpin'/ Pick and shovel/ Oh Didn't he ramble
Line-up :
Chris Barber (tb, lead) + coll. pers. Pat Halcox (tb) John Crocker (as, cl) Ian wheeler (cl, sax) John Slaughter, Roger Hill (gt) Johnny Mc Calllum (b) Vic Pitt (tb, cb) Norman Emberson (dms)
Timeless, 1985