25828 items
MAY, Billy

Titres :
Oh, By Jingo - South Rampart Street Parade - Down Home Rag - Sugar Foot Strut - The Sheik of Araby - Sorta Blues - Panama - Riverboat Shuffle - Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue

Line-up :
Conrad Gozzo, Uan Rasey, Manny Klein, John Best, Dick Cathcart (tp) - Matty Matlock (cl) Dave Wells (b-tp) -Murray McEachern - Tommy Pederson, Ed Kusby, Si Zentner, Moe Schneider (tb) - Skeets Herfurt , Willie Schwartz(as, cl, fl, pic), Ted Nash (ts, cl pic, fl), Julie Jacob (ts, cl, ob, horn) Paul Horn (as) - Eddie Miller (ts) - Paul Smith (calliope, celeste, pn) -Al hendrickson (bjo, gt) Chuck Gentry (bs, bar s, cl) - Jimmy Rowles (pn) - Joe Gibbons (gt) - Joe Mondragon (bass), Ann Stckton (ha

Capitol - Creative World 1054, 1955