25828 items
KIRK, Roland

Titres :
Domino / Meeting On Termini's Corner / Time/ Lament/ A Strich In Time / 3-in-1 Without The Oil / Get Out The Town / Rolando / I Believe In You / E. D. / Where Monk and Mingus Live - Let's Call This / Domino / I Didn't Know What Time It Was / Someone To Watch Over Me / Termini's Corner - Index 1-2-3-4-5 / When The Sun Comes / Time Races With Emit

Line-up :
Roland Kirk (ts, manzello, stritch, fl, nose fn, siren whistle ) Andrew Hill, Wynton Kelly, Herbie Hancock (pn) Vernon Martin (cb) Henry Duncan, Roy Haynes (dms)

Verve, 1962