25828 items
The Chronological 1951 - 1952

Titres :
A Horn / City Of Glass: Third Movement Reflectons / City Of Glass: Second Movement Before The Mirror / City Of Glass: First Movement- Part 1 Entrance Into The City / Part 2 The Structures/ Soliloquy / Lazy Daisy / Tenderly / Don't Worry 'Bout Me / Yes / Mambo Rhapsody / All Because Of You / Adios Cinderella / She's A Compley Wench / Riff Raff / Stardust / Modern Opus / Modern Opus / Bags And Baggage / Softly / Delicado / Bill's Blues/ Cool Eyes

Line-up :
Stan Kenton (pn) John Howell, Maynard Ferguson, Conte Candoli, Stu Williamson, John Coppola, Clyde Reasinger, Jerry Munson, Ruben McFall, Jack Millman, Don Dennis (tp) Bob Fitzpatrick, Harry Betts, Bill Russo, Dick Kenney, Gerald Finch, Harold Branch, John Halliburton, George Roberts (tb) John Graas, Lloyd Otto (frh) Stan Fletcher (tu) Bud Shank (as, fl) Art Pepper (as, cl) Bob Cooper ( ts, oboe) Bart Caldarell (ts, bassoon) Dick Meldonian, Herbie Steward, Lennie Niehaus (as) Lee Eliot, Bill Hol

Classics, 1951