25828 items
Songs for Mbizo
JORIS, Chris

Titres :
The white side of black/ Rivers/ Lullaby for Ephraïm/ Panontigri/ Song for Mbizo p 1/ Blowin your bow to the berimbob/ Shaya Sebothane/ Berimbau/ Dance of the mulatos/ Monody in a moolit night/ Song for Mbizo part 2/ November 30th

Line-up :
1. David Lee Schloss, Michel Mast (ts) Chris Joris (perc, pn) Johnny Dyani (cb) Julian Sebothane Bahula, Cheikh Tidiane Fall, Frans Pelgrims (perc) 2. John Ruocco (ts, cl) Steve Houben (fl) Frank Vaganee (as) Bob Stewart (tu) Kristoph Erbstößer (pn) Frans Van der Hoeven (cb) Dré Pallemaerts (dms) David Linx (voc)

VKH, 1976