25828 items
Bobby Jaspar Revisited

Titres :
Strike up the band / La fin d'un roman d'amour / Black Horse / Sweet and lovely / Kaba-Soutra / Paradoxe / Struttin' with some barbecue / Schabooz / Caroline / So easy to love / Up in Quincy's Room / Capri / Early Wake / Jeux de Quartes

Line-up :
Bobby Jaspar (ts) Henri Renaud (pn) Jimmy Gourley (gt) Benoit Quersin (cb) Sadi (vbes) Jean-Louis Viale (dms) Bib Monville (ts) Roger Guérin (tp) Nat Peck (tb) Maurice Vander (pn) Pierre Michelot (cb) Jean-Marie Ingrand (cb) Buzz Gardner (tp) Jean Aldegon (as, bcl) Armand Migiani (bs) Dave Pochonet (dms)

Inner City (Jazz Legacy) IC 7O13, 1953