25828 items
The Chronological 1945 - 1948

Titres :
Don't Explain/ Big Stuff/ You Better Go Now/ What Is This Thing Called Love ?/ Good Morning Heartache/ No Good Man/ Big Stuff/ Baby, I Don't Cry Over You/ I'll Look Around/ The Blues Are Brewin'/ Guilty/ Do You Know Wath It Means To Miss New Orleans/ Don't Explain/ Deep Song/ There Is No Greater Love/ Easy Living/ Solitude/ Weep No More/ Girls Were Made To Take Care Of Boys/ Porgy/ My Man

Line-up :
Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong (voc) Joe Guy, yer (cl, as) Hank Ross, Armand Camgros, Bernie Kaufman, Bob Dorsey, Art Drellinger (ts) Lem Davis, Toots Mondello, Al Klink (as) Tiny Grimes, Jimmy Shirley, Dan Perri (gt) Sammy Benskin, Joe Springer, Billy Kyle,Bobby Tucker, Charlie Batman (pn) John Simmons, Billy Tailor, Thomas Barney, Johnny Williams, John levy (cb) Specs Powell, SiLouis Armstrong, Irving Randolph , Billy Butterfield (tp) Bill Stegmedney Catlett, Kelly Martin, Kenny Clarke, Denzi

Classics, 1945