25828 items
The Chronological 1941

Titres :
Up Jumped The Devil / Sally, Won't You Come Back ?/ Jersey Bounce/ Julia/ South Side/ On The Sunny Side Of The Street/ My Melancholy Baby/ It Had To Be You/ Windy City Jive/ Straight To Love/ Walter Boy/ Swingin' On C/ Yellow Fire/ Somehow/ I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good/ INever Dreamt/ The Father Jumps/ The Boy With The Wistful Eyes/ The Jitney Man/ The Earl / You Don't Know What Love Is

Line-up :
Earl Hines (pn) George Dixon (tp, as) Harry Jackson, Tommy Enoch, Benny Harris, Freddy Webster, Jesse Miller, Robert Crowder (tp) Joe McLewis, George Hunt, Edward Fant, John Ewing, Nat AtkinsonGerald Valentine (tb) Leroy Harris, Scoop Carey (cl, as) Leroy Harris (voc) William Randall, Budd Johnson, Franz Jackson (ts) Hurley Ramey (gt) Truck Parham (cb) Rudy Taylor (dms) Billy Eckine, Madeline Greene, The Three Varieties (voc)

Classics, 1941