25828 items
The Chronological 1932 - 1934

Titres :
Oh ! You Sweet Thing/ Blue Drag / I Love You Because I Love You/ Sensational Mood/ Love Me Tonight/ Down Among The Sheltering Palms/ Rosetta/ Why Must We Part ?/ Maybe I'm To Blame/ Cavernism/ Take It Easy/ Harlem Lament/ Bubbling Over/ I Want A Lot Of Love/ Just To Be In Caroline/ We Found Romance/ Blue/ Madhouse/ Julia/ Darkness/ Julia/ Darkness/ You're The One Of My Dreams/ Swingin' Down

Line-up :
Earl Hines (pn) Charlie Allen, Walter Fuller (tp) Louis Taylor, Willam Franklin (tb) Darnell Howard (cl, as, bs) Cecil Irwin (cl, ts,) Lawrence Dixon (gt) Quinn Wilson ( cb) Wallace Bishop (dms)

Classics, 1932