25828 items
Superb Performances… (2)

Titres :
Get happy/ Ee ba ba lee ba/ I don't stand aghost of a chance/ 12th street rag/ Bijou/ Panacea/ BLowin' up a storm/ Crazy rhythm/ Everybody knw but me/ The sidewalks opf Cuba/ Tico tico/ When we meet again/ Everywhere/ They went that a-way

Line-up :
Woody Herman (cl, lead) + Sonny Berman, Shorty Rogers, Conrad Gozzo, Irving Markowitz, Pete Candoli (tp) Bill Harris, Ralph Pfiffner, Ed Kiefer (tb)Sam Rubinowitch, Sam Marowitz, Mickey Folus, Flip Phillips, John La Porta (sax) Jimmy Rowles (pn) Billy Bauer, Chuck Wayne (gt) Chubby Jackson, Joe Mondragon (cb) Red Norvo (vbes) (dms)

First Heard, 1946