25828 items
The Fourth Herd

Titres :
Panatela/ Lament for Linda/ Misery, stay away from my door/ In a misty mood/ Catty corne/ The thirteenth instant/ The magpie/ Blues for Indian Jim/ The devil and the stoker/ The swing machine/ Summer nights/ Johnny on the spot

Line-up :
Nat Adderley, Ernie Royal, Reunald Jones, Irving Markowitz, Red Rodney, Burt Collins, Bernie Glows (tp) Bob Brookmeyer, Jim Dahl, Jimmy Cleveland, Frank Rehak (tb) Woody Herman, Sam Marowitz, Zoot Sims, Al Cohn, Don Lanphere, Dick Hafer, Gene Allen (sax, cl) Eddie Costa (vbes) Nat Pierce (pn) Billy Bauer or Barry Galbraith (gt) Milt Hinton (cb) Don Lamond (dms)

Jazz Legacy, 1959