25828 items
Swing's the thing vol.2

Titres :
The house of David blues / Radio rhythm / Limehouse blues / Shangai shuffle / Big John's special / Happy as the day is long / Tidal wave / Down south camp meetin' / Wrappin' it up / Memphis blues / Wild party / Rug cutter's swing / Hotter than 'ell / Liza

Line-up :
Russell Smith, Rex Stewart, Bobby Stark, Irving Randolph, Henry Allen (tp) Bennie Morton, Claude Jones, Keg Johnson (tb) Russell Procope, Hilton Jefferson (as,cl) Edgar Sampson (as,vln) Coleman Hawkins (ts,cl) Ben Webster (ts) Buter Bailey (cl) Fletcher Henderson, Horace Henderson (pn) John Kirby (tu) Lawrence Lucie (gt) Elmer James (cb) Walter Johnson (dms)

MCA, 1931