25828 items
Hawk in Holland

Titres :
Some of these days / After you've gone / I only have eyes for you / I wish I were Twins / Chicago / Meditation / What Harlem is to me / Netcha's dream / I wanna go back to Harlem / Consolation / A strange fact / Original Dixieland One Step / Smiles / Somthing is gonna give me away

Line-up :
Coleman Hawkins (ts) + The Ramblers (coll. pers: Henk Hinrichs, George Van Helvoirt, Jack Bulterman (tp) Marcel Thielemans (tb) Wim Poppink, André Vanderouderaa, Sal Doof (sax) Theo Uden Masman (pn, lead) Nico de Rooy, Freddy Johnson (pn) Jack Pet (gt, cb) Fritz Reinders (gt)Tony Limbach, Toon Diepenbroek (cb) Kees Kranenburg (dms) Annie de Reuver (voc)

Ace of Clubs, 1935