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And the Philip Morris Superband

Titres :
The surrey with the fringe on top / Creme de menthe / When it's sleepy time down south / Love is here to stay / I'm just a lucky so and so / Serious grease / Like a lover / Old man river / Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans / Porgy and Bess medley / You're my everything / There is no greater love / Things ain't what they used to be

Line-up :
Gene Harris (pn) Ray Brown (cb) Jeff Hamilton (dms) Herb Ellis (gt) Jerry Dodgion, Frank Wess, James Moody, Ralph Moore, Gary Smulyan (sax,fl) Urbie Green, James Morrison, Eddie Bert, Paul Faulise (tb) Johnny Coles, Harry Sweets Edison, Michael Philip Mossman, Joe Mosello (tp) Ernestine Anderson, Ernie Andrews (voc)

Concord, 1989