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The George Gruntz Concert Jazz Band
GRUNTZ, George

Titres :
Destiny/ Moming song of a spring flower/ Napoleon blown apart/ Cinderella friday night

Line-up :
Earl Gardner, Americo Bellotto, Allan Botchinsky, Palle Mikkelborg, Benny Bailey, Woody Shaw, Franco Ambrosetti (tp) Jimmy Knepper, Eje Thelin, Mike Zwerin, Runo Ericksson (tb) Howard Johnson (tu, as) Jerry Dodgion, Lew Tabackin, Alan Skidmore, Bennie Wallace (sax) Lois Colin (harp) John Scofield (gt) George Gruntz (pn) Mike richmond (cb) Elvin Jones (dms)

MPS, 1978