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More than you know
GORDON, Dexter

Titres :
Naima / Good morning sun / The girl with the purple eyes Ernie's tune / Tivoli / More than you know

Line-up :
Dexter Gordon (ts,ss) Per Walther, Mogens Holm Larsen, Age Knudsen (vln) Bjarne Boie Rasmussen (viola) Erling Christensen (cello) Bent Larsen (C alto, bfl) Erwin Jacobsen (oboe, cor) Preben Garnov (cor) Luba Boschenko (harp) Benny Rosenfeld, Allan Botschinsky, Idrees Sulieman (tp,flgh) Palle Mikkelborg (tp) Vincent Nilsson, Richard Boone (tb) Axel Windfeldt (btb) Thomas Clausen (pn, epn) Ole Molin (gt) Niels-Henning Orsted Pedersen (cb, ecb) Ed Thigpen, Alex Riel (dms) Klaus Nordsoe (congas, per

SteepleChase, 1975