25828 items
The Chronological 1946 - 1947
Goodman, Benny

Titres :
Put That Kiss Back Where You Found It/ Benjie's Bubble/ Hora Stacato/ Poor Butterfly/ That's The Beginning of the End/ Man Here Plays Fine Piano/ A Gal In Calico/ I'll Aways Be In Love With You/ Honeysuckle Rose/ Lonely Moments/ It Take Time/ Moon-Faced, Starry-Eyed/ Whistle Blues/ Sweet Georgia Brown/ Sweet Lorraine/ St. Louis Blues/ I Know That You Know/ I Can't Get Started/ The Lonesome Road/ Fine And Dandy/ The Bannister Slide/ Eight, Nine And Ten/ I Never Knew

Line-up :
Benny Goodman (cl) Mickey McMickle, Nate Kazebier,John Best, Dick Mains (tp) Cutty Cutshall, Leon Cox (tb) Hymie Schertzer, Les Clarke, Larry Monielli (as) Cliff Strickland (ts) Al Klink (bs) Joe Bushklin (pn) Mike Bryan (gt) Barney Spieler (cb) Louie Belson (dms) Al Lund (voc) Bill Schine (as) Cliff Strickland, JohnZoot Sims (ts) John Rotella (bs) Stings- Joe Bushkin (pn) Barney Kessel (gt) Harry Babasin (cb) Eve Young (voc) Clint Bellew (as) Johnny Withe (vbes) Zeke Zarchy, Joe Triscari (tp)

Classics, 1946