25828 items
The Chronological 1941 - 1942

Titres :
Shady Lady Bird/ Buckle Down, Winsocki/ Let's Do It/ Clarinet A La King/ I'll Get By/ If I Had You/ Limehouse Blues/ Somebody Else Is Taking My Place/ Somebody Nobody Loves/ How Long Has Been Going On/ That Did It, Marie/ Winter Weather/ Ev'Rything I Love/ Someone's Rocking My Dreamboat/ Let's Give Love A Chance/ Not Mine/ Not A Care In The World/ You Don't No What Love Is/ Blues In The Night/ Where Or When/ On The Sunny Side Of The Street/ Jersey Bounce/ The Lamp Of Memory (Incertidumbre)

Line-up :
Benny Goodman (cl) Billy Butterfield, Jimmy Maxwell, Cootie Willams, Al Davis (tp) Lou McGathy, Cutty Cutshall (tb) Jullie Schwartz, Clint Neagley as) Vido Musso, George Berg (ts) Chuck Gentry (bar) Mel Powell (pn) Tom Morgan (gt) Sid Weiss (cb) Ralph Collier (dms) Peggy Lee, Tommy Dix (voc)

Classics, 1941