25828 items
The Chronological 1940

Titres :
I Can 't Love You Anymore/ The Hour Of Parting/ Ev' ry Sunday Afternoon/ Crazy Rhythm/ I Surrender, Dear/ Boy Meet Goy/ Who Cares/ The Moon Won't Walk/ Just Like Talking Candy From A Baby/ Mister Meadowlark/ I Can't Love You Any More/ Six Appel/These Foolish Things/ Good Enough To Keep/ I Can't Resist You/ Dreaming Out Loud/ Li'l Boy Love/ Nostalgia/ Wholly -Cats/ Royal Garden Blues/ As Long As I Live/ Benny's Bugle/

Line-up :
Benny Goodman (cl) Ziggy Elman, Jimmy Maxwell, Irving Goodman (tp) Red Ballard, Vernon Brown, Ted Vesely (tb) Toots Mondello, Les Robinson (as) Bus Bassey, Jerry Jerrome (ts) Johnny Guarnieri (pn) Charlie Christian (gt) Artie Bernstein (cb) Nick Fatool (dms) Hellen Forrest (voc) Lionel Hampton (vbes) Fred Aster (voc, tap dancing) Dudley Brooks (pn) Cootie Willams (tp) George Auld (ts) Count Basie (pn) Harry Jeager (dms)

Classics, 1940