25828 items
The Early Years vol 3

Titres :
Say when/ When love comes swingin' along/ You're the top/ All through the night/ I'm a hundred percent for you/ Cokey/ Like a bolt from the blue/ Music hall rag/ The dixieland band/ Blue moon/ Throwin stones at the sun/ Down hgome rag/ Singing a happy song/ Clouds/ I was lucky/ Night wind

Line-up :
Benny Goodman (cl) + coll Pee Wee erwin, Jerry Neary, Art Sylvester, Ralph Muzillo (tp) Red Ballard, Jack Lacey (tb) Toots Mondello, Hymie Schertzer, Art Rollini, Dick Clark (sax) Fulton MCGrath, Frank Froeba (pn) George Van Eps (gt) Harry Goodman (cb) Sammy Weiss Gene krupa (dms) Slats Long (cl in* band dir Claude Thronhill)

Sunbeam, 1934