25828 items
BG 1943

Titres :
Sugar foot stomp/ Sweet Georgia Brown/ Mission to Moscow/ You're driving me crazy/ Henderson stomp/ Do nothin' till you hear from me/ Oh lady be good/ Don't be that way/ Stealin apples/ I'm just wild about baby/ Minnie in the money/ I'm here/ Honeysuco rose/ Seven come leven

Line-up :
Benny Goodman (cl) + Ralph Muzzillo, Lee Castle, Bobby Guyer (tp) Bill Harris, Al Masrren (tb) Hymie Schertzer, Eddie Rosa, Herbie Haymer, Bob Taylor, Joe Rushton (sax) Jess Stacy (pn) Allen Reuss (gt) Sid Weiss (cb) Gene Krupa (dms) Charlie Frankhauser (tp) Mark Bennett (tb) Al Klink (sax) Ernie Caceres (bs) Leonard Kaye (sax) Jess Stacy (pn)

Queen Disc, 1943