25828 items
Echoes of the swing era vol.10 (1935-1948) B & W 132

Titres :
Santa Claus came in the spring / Get rhythm in your feet (and music in your soul) / Goody-goody / Never should have told you / Afraid to dream / Pope-corn man / True confession / Show your linen, miss richardson Here's love in your eyes / Stompin' at the savoy / I'm a ding dong daddy (from Dumas) / Whispering / Undecided / Pick-a-rib / A song was born

Line-up :
Benny Goodman (cl) Bunny Berigan, Nate Kazebier, Jerry Neary, Ralph Muzillo, Harry Geller, Pee Wee Erwin, Chris Griffin, Mannie Klein, Ziggy Elman, Irving Goodman, Harry James, Corky Cornelius, Louis Armstrong (tp) Red Ballard, Jack Lacey, Joe Harris, Murray McEachern, Vernon Brown, Bruce Squires, Tommy Dorsey (tb) Toots Mondello, Hymie Schertzer, Bill DePew, George Koenig, Noni Bernardi, Dave Matthews, Charlie Barnet (as) Dick Clark, Arthur Rollini, Vido Musso, Jerry Jerome (ts) Frank Froeba, J

RCA, 1935