25828 items
Dizzy Songs

Titres :
Afro Paris/ alt/ Hury home/ alt/ Say eh/ alt/ I cover the waterfront/ Cripple crapple crutch/ Dizzy song (Lady Bird)/ Somebody loves me/ She's funny that way/ Wrap your troubles in dreams/ alt/ Sweet Lorraine/ Everything happens to me/ I don't know why/ Always/ Mon homme/ Clappin' rhythm/ Fais gaffe/ Moon nocturne/ This is the way/ 's wonderful/ Oo-bla-dee

Line-up :
Dizzy Gillespie (tp, voc) + • Don Byas (ts) Arnold Ross (pn) Joe Benjamin (cb) Bill Clark (dms) • Byas, Bill Tamper (tb) Hubert Fol (as) Raymond Fol (pn) Pierre Michelot (cb) Pierre Lemarchand (dms) • Nat Peck (tb) Wade Legge (pn) Lou Hackney (cb) Al Jones (dms) Joe Carroll (voc)

Vogue (American Jazz in Paris), 1952